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sunrise peaking over foggy blue mountains

Optimism About the Washington Economy Is at a Post-COVID Peak

DHM’s most recent statewide survey in Washington revealed that things might be looking up. 41% of Washingtonians believe the state is headed in the right direction—an 8-percentage point increase from the ...

Climate strike sign reading "It's getting HOT in here" with flames

PNW Residents Weigh in on Climate Change

As record heat waves continue to sweep across the nation, climate change is a major point in American discourse. Despite declining trust in climate scientists and disagreement about root causes, ...

white and red brick school building surrounded by trees and blue sky; represents a washington public school in this context

Washingtonians Are Concerned with Public School Quality and Funding

In DHM’s most recent statewide survey, Washingtonians grade the state’s public schools with a C. While a C may seem low to some—and high to others—it isn’t unique in the ...

Oregonians Remain Ambivalent About the Economy

DHM Research regularly checks in with Oregonians about the economy and their personal financial situations. We asked again in June 2024, which was an opportune time because, historically, how people ...

Oregonians Give Public Schools Poor Marks and Believe They Are Underfunded

Students are enjoying their summer vacation. We hope they are playing with friends and running around outdoors and finding time to read and explore new interests. While students are out, ...

YouTube and Self-Identity: Perspectives from Puget Sound’s Communities of Color

Organizations across the Puget Sound are continuously working to reach diverse communities who call our region home. It’s critical to first understand these communities’ unique values, experiences, and perceptions to ...

Housing Affordability and Homelessness Remain Top Concerns in Washington State

High housing costs and their downstream impacts continue to be top of mind for Washingtonians. According to DHM’s most recent statewide survey in Washington, 28% of respondents believe that homelessness ...

Tipping Culture in Washington

Washingtonians oppose automatic service charges and suggested tip amounts but tip their baristas more consistently than the rest of the country. DHM Research recently conducted a statewide survey to gauge ...

OR justice building taken from a front angled view with trees off to the side

Oregonian Confidence in the Criminal Justice System and Local Police Departments from 2017 – 2023

This past December, DHM Research conducted the most recent wave of an ongoing survey among Oregonians to track and gauge public opinion across a variety of topics. This wave included ...